CSPA Guard Classifications


Scholastic Middle School

This classification is for units with students not in a grade higher than 9%, or not older than 15 years of age.
These guards are exploring beginning, limited vocabularies that are designed at an introductory level. The primary goal should be the development and reinforcement of fundamentals in performance and design. In this class, the true beginner will be nurtured through individual training that will assure technical growth while being reinforced through logical program development that allows performers to achieve excellence as a team. Units in this class may self-promote.

Minimum Performance Time: 3 Minutes

Minimum Authorized Equipment Time: 2.5 Minutes

Maximum Performance Time: 4.5 Minutes

Interval between Performances: 7.0 Minutes (at least)

Judging Criteria: Winter Guard International (WGI) Regional A Class judging criteria will be used.

Scholastic/Independent Regional A

This area is where the beginner will be nurtured and developed with the beginning skills and qualities as their standard. The prime purpose is to develop individual training that will assure each student's technical growth. It is also to focus on logic in program development that will allow the unit to reach high achievement. This is intended to discourage those who overwrite in an attempt to be competitive and whose excessive demand on the performers precludes their proper training and development.
Units in SRA/IRA are typically over the age of 15, or in a grade higher than 9". Independent A age restrictions apply in the IRA classification.

Minimum Performance Time: 3 Minutes

Minimum Authorized Equipment Time: 3 Minutes

Maximum Performance Time: 4.5 Minutes

Interval between Performances: 7 Minutes (At Least)

Judging Criteria: Winter Guard International (WGI) Regional A Class judging criteria will be used.

Scholastic AA

Guards in this class have students and instructors with prior winter guard experience. This class reflects an intermediate level of achievement for the CSPA. Staff and performers will be encouraged to demonstrate logical, yet imaginative programs with achievable standards for performers. Guards in SAA should display all of the fundamental and some of the intermediate qualities of performance and design. Both students and staff have talent to grow beyond the basics and explore a higher level of design and performance technique. Students shall be challenged to perform at a higher level.

Minimum Performance Time: 4 Minutes

Minimum Authorized Equipment Time: 3.5 Minutes

Maximum Performance Time: 5.5 Minutes

Interval between Performances: 8 Minutes (at least)

Judging Criteria: Winter Guard International (WGI) A Class judging criteria will be used.

Scholastic/Independent A

Guards in this class have at least some members with strong experience. This class reflects a high level of achievement within CSPA. Both staff and performers have talent that goes beyond the basics and some intermediate design elements. Guards in this class should display all of the fundamental, many of the intermediate, and some of the advanced qualities of performance and design. A wide range of skills and physical development may exist. Occasionally a few individuals will demonstrate skills at a higher level than the ensemble.

Minimum Performance Time: 4 Minutes

Minimum Authorized Equipment Time: 3.5 Minutes

Maximum Performance Time: 5.5 Minutes

Interval between Performances: 8 Minutes (at least)

Judging Criteria:
Winter Guard International (WGI) A Class judging criteria will be used.

Scholastic National A

This class follows the same criteria and general definition as Scholastic A. The major difference for this class is that it is reserved for A class units that plan on attending WGI world championships or are currently registered for WGI regional or super regional events. This designation is to better direct feedback towards WGI standards with the implication that the unit will be pursuing success at the world championship level.

This is done to help units better understand their program as it relates to others in the circuit pursuing the same goal. Units signed up for WGI regional events have the option to register in National A or scholastic A. While units attending world championships must enroll in National A.

Minimum Performance Time: 4 Minutes

Minimum Authorized Equipment Time: 3.5 Minutes

Maximum Performance Time: 5.5 Minutes

Interval between Performances: 8 Minutes (at least)

Judging Criteria:
Winter Guard International (WGI) A Class judging criteria will be used.

Scholastic/Independent Open

Guards in this class are exploring greater levels of equipment and body skill sets in more challenging programs.
Performers are expected to demonstrate a greater variety of releases, catches and more integrated use of body in combination with equipment. Designers and Instructors should be able to use the training and ability of the performer's to explore more advanced chorcographie choices. Scoring in the Open class will reward vocabulary and excellence equally, thus encouraging designers and instructors to explore a broader range of vocabulary and program design.
WGI Open Class age restrictions apply to all Independent Open Units. Performers may range from any starting age to 23 years of age.

Minimum Performance Time: 4 Minutes

Minimum Authorized Equipment Time: 3.5 Minutes

Maximum Performance Time: 6.5 Minutes

Interval between Performances: 9 Minutes (at least)

Judging Criteria: Winter Guard International (WGI) Open Class judging criteria will be used.

Scholastic/Independent World

The Scholastic and Independent World Classes allow performers at the peak of training and ability to explore limitless production design and program development. It should be noted that Independent World units are expected to be comprised of members with more years of experience than what is typical of Scholastic World Performers. With this in mind, while both classes represent the height of the activity, the Independent World Units should be exploring the most elevated degree of difficulty given the maturity and age expected of an Independent World Unit. Design choices can be drawn from all possibilities as units in the World Classes should attempt to create new standards for the activity.

Minimum Performance Time: 4.0 Minutes

Minimum Authorized Equipment Time: 3.5 Minutes

Maximum Performance Time: 7.5 Minutes

Interval between Performances: 10.0 Minutes (at least)

Judging Criteria: Winter Guard International (WGI) World Class judging criteria will be used.